Thursday, July 4, 2024
HomeTAIWAN HEADLINES AND NEWSRead tweets on our X(Former Twitter) account including Scientists in Taiwan has...

Read tweets on our X(Former Twitter) account including Scientists in Taiwan has discovered a way of using electromagnetic waves to help prolong the shelf life of frozen fruit!

TSMC Taiwan’s most valuable company has reshuffled its leadership with a new chair and board of directors! #Taiwan #TSMC

U.S. defense contractors, retired general, in Taiwan! #Taiwan #USA #defense

U.S. lawmakers propose US$500 million in military aid for Taiwan! #Taiwan #USA

CHINA THREATENING TAIWAN Today these Chinese military planes and vessels intruded into Taiwanese waters and airspace. 19 PLA aircraft and 12 PLAN vessels operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. #Taiwan #China #ChinaTaiwan

A projection mapping show entitled “Tsiò” lights up the facade of #Taiwan‘s Taipei Representative Office in France as part of Nuit Blanche 2024 June 1 in Paris. (TROF)

#Paris #Taiwan #France

AGAIN A TAIWAN INVENTION Scientists in Taiwan have discovered a way of using electromagnetic waves to help prolong the shelf life of frozen fruit. #Taiwan #fruits

Taiwan’s major telecom companies say they didn’t hand over any data on “Bluebird” protesters, after a DPP official said such data could be used to profile people who took part in the protests. #Taiwan #protests

Taiwan’s bee farmers are battling a devastating parasite that’s killed up to half of the country’s honeybees. #Taiwan #bees


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